Kamis, 19 November 2015

The Role In Giving Motivation To Increase Student Spirit Learning

                        According to me the motivation is encouragement to do or do something so that the person's spirit to do it. “Motivation is the stimulation, encouragement or power of a person or group of people who want to do and work optimally in implementing something that has been planned to achieve the goals set” (Azwar, 2000, 15). provide motivation is very important to the students because in this era many parents are busy with their affairs, lack of attention and motivation to the students so that the students don't spirit to search for knowledge and many students who are lazy to school. thus the existence of a motivation to learn the students are expected to be able to move their desire to learn to the maximum, so giving motivation it's very important for students to be able to achieve maximum result in learning.
Motivation can be divided into intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the motivation that comes from within the individual in the absence of external stimuli, whereas extrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from outside such as giving compliments, giving value to the gift-giving and other external factors that have motivational thrust (Siregar and Nara 2011: 50). Intrinsic Motivation in reality more resilience more powerful than extrinsic motivation. This happens due to extrinsic factors may actually result in reduced power individual motivation extrinsic factors such as an individual's disappointing. Examples of extrinsic motivation : “Someone is learning, knowing the next day would be a test with the hope of getting a good value. So factor driving not because they want to know something, but want to get a good value, or praise or reward" (Sardiman, 2011)
In general, there are two critical role of motivation in learning, first, psychological motivation is the driving force in students that lead to learning activities, ensure continuity of learning in order to achieve a goal. Second, motivation plays an important role in providing the passion, enthusiasm and joy in learning, so that students are highly motivated to have a lot of energy to carry out learning activities (Siregar and Nara, 2011: 51).
The form of motivation is often done at the school is to give figures, gifts, compliments, gestures, giving the task, giving replay, find out the results, and punishment. (Djmarah and Zain, 2002: 168). Provide numbers (values) are as a symbol meaning of the results of the activities of the students. In giving numbers (values) is, all students get the results varied activities. Giving to the number of students expected to provide encouragement or motivation so that the results can be further enhanced. Gift is a gift of keepsake to students who excel. This gift will be able to add or improve morale (motivation) for student learning will be considered as a valuable award for students. Giving praise to the work of the students is something that is expected by every individual. The existence of praise means the existence of the attention given to the students, so that the competitive spirit of students to learn to be high. Body movement means expression, severe, face, hand movements, head movements, which makes an attention to lessons delivered by teachers. Body movements while providing a response from the student means listening to a student in the subject matter easier and easier. Giving task is a job that demands to be resolved. Giving students the task will provide an impetus and motivation to the students to pay attention to all the content delivered. Giving Deuteronomy is the most important strategy to test the results of teaching and learning also provide motivation for students to repeat the lessons that have been delivered and given by the teacher. Knowing the result, the student's curiosity to something unknown is of a nature that exist in every human being. In this case, the student is entitled to know the results of its work.Giving punishment In the learning process, to impose sanctions on students who make mistakes are things that must be done to attract and increase the students' attention. For example, giving the student's questions
The conclusion , that motivation are very important to increase student spirit learning. As a teacher, we should give our student motivation. It can support them to achieve maximum result in learning. The student need a motivation from teacher because teacher is as their parents at the school. So beside we teach student , we can give them motivation in learning.


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