Kamis, 19 November 2015

The Benefit of Banana in Our Life

The Benefit  of  Banana in Our Life

            In this time , many people are not too concerned about their health such  consume fast food and instant noodles .Weknowtodayalmost instantaneousasfoodthatis not necessarily healthyforour body. They reason eat instan food  are lazy tocook, busy andso on. One way to a healthy life are to sport , eat healthy foods and consume fruits. Consume fruit is very good for health because fruits contain many vitamins and nutrients that are good for our health. Banana is one of the fruits that very good for our bodies. According to wikipedia, Banana is the common name given to a giant herb large-leaved plants extends from the tribe Musaceae(Id.wikipedia.org). There are manyvitaminsandnutrients contained inbananasthat goodforour body. Three benefits of bananas are lowering cholesterol, lowering blood pressure and overcome anemia.

            Lowering cholesterol it’s mean that when the people exposed  the  diseaseof cholesterolcanbe reducedby eatingextract skin of  banana. At this time many old people and young people have high level of cholesterol . We know that the cause of high cholesterol are obesity, eating high fat food and lack of sport. According to Krisnatuti and Nina “Increasedcholesterolin the bloodis animportant risk factorinheartdisease, particularly those associatedwith elevated levels ofLDLandHDL-cholesterol levelsdecline’’(Krisnatuti andRina, 1999).The high cholesterol is very danger for our body. Banana is one of the ways to reduce it , Because there’s an banana skin of a substance called pectin.According to Three students of theFaculty ofAgriculture, Universityof BrawijayaApparently,pectinextractedfrombananapeelhasthe benefits ofanti-cholesterol(LukmanAziz, NisaandClara). So pectin in banana can lowering cholesterol.

            Bananascan lowerhighbloodpressure it’s mean that with banana people can lowering the blood pressure. Weknowthat bloodpressureis theblood pressure above normal and causehigh blood pressureone of themis obesity. According to research"People who are overweightmorethan 30percentofideal weightisalso more likelyto sufferhighbloodpressure." Thehigh blood pressureis verydangerousforour body, because it canlead tostrokeandheart attack. One wayto lowerbloodpressureiseating a banana. Bananafruitcontains a lot ofpotassiumthat isenoughto lowerbloodpressure. According to Dr. SamuelOetoro, Sp.GK, MS, a nutritionistfrom theSemanggi Specialist Clinic. Potassiumis alsoutilizedbythe autonomic nervoussystem(SSO), whichis the controllingheart rate, brainfunction, andotherimportant physiological processes. Easyto obtainpotassiumfromthe daily food. Potassiumis foundfruitslikebananas(Dr. SamuelOetoro, Sp.GK, MS). So by eatingbananaswecan lower blood pressurecontainedpotassiumin bananas.

            Bananascanovercomeanemia it’s mean substance containedinbananascan increaseredbloodcellsinthe body. According to tarwoto “Anemiaisa condition in whicha reductionof redblood cells(erythrocytes) in the circulating bloodorhemoglobinmassand is unable tofulfillits functionas a carrier ofoxygen to alltissues(Tarwoto, 2007). One cause of anemia is iron deficiency. We know that the function of iron is to carry oxygen through the red blood cells throughout the body. Ifweiron deficiency, the oxygeninour bloodwillnotbe distributedthroughout the bodywell.Onewaytoovercomeanemiaiseatinga banana. Many people who are anemic, but they do not know that bananas can overcome the anemia.Bananascanovercomeanemiabecausebananas containa highiron. According to Dr.Oz Indonesia “Banana has high in iron which can stimulate the production of hemoglobin, a banana will help you overcome the anemia(Dr.Oz Indonesia).
            The conslusion is Banana’s fruit isvery good for the health of our bodies and many benefits that we got from banana. Three benefit of banana are lowering cholestero, lower the high blood pressure and overcome anemia.



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