Kamis, 19 November 2015


A.  Definiton of Research Backgroun
Research background is necessary so that you know how to design and understand your experiment. Research background must be persuade and interesting as reader.Background information can help you prepare for further research by explaining all the issues related to your topic.
Inthe background ofthisissuebrieflypresentedtheory, research results, conclusionsseminars/scientificdiscussion, andpersonalexperience orobservationsthat are closely relatedto the subject matterstudied. Thus, the problemis in the selectforstudygetsmore solidfootingfoundation. Andin thebackgroundalsoincludesresearchwhyit is necessary, for thepurposesof thisresearch anythingdone.Description of the backgroundalsoneeds tobe strengthened withrelevantideas, results ofprevious studies, andobservationorstudythroughpreviousstudy, andobservationorstudythrougha preliminary studyinthe fieldorobjectof study.
The background section highlights the empirical foundation of the proposed thesis. In many ways, this section of  thesis proposal is deceptively straightforward. On one level, the purpose of a background section is to give the reader the relevant facts about your topic so that they understand the material that you are writing about and how it links to your research question. This section must not, however, simply provide the general context, but must direct the readers' attention to the empirical details through which your research topic and question are lived and made relevant. As such, this writing must not just fill in details of the topic you are researching, but implicitly illustrate the need for and importance of  research.

B. The Most Important in writing a research background:
1. The background should engage your readers with broad themes and topics.
This involves connecting details to concepts. The “history” of your topic should be easy to read and compelling both for its relevance and for its fresh approach.
2. The background should illustrate your concepts, questions, and theory.
To do this, try to ensure a tight fit between this and the proposal's other sections. Your history should be the empirical embodiment of your research problem section. This requires you to make explicit links between the story you tell and the research question, hypothesis, and theoretical approach you are using.
3. The background should demonstrate your experience, knowledge, and passion.
What you write about and how you write can reveal a great deal about your knowledge and interest in your subject. This is true in all parts of your thesis proposal, but perhaps most so in this section. Use the background section as an occasion to show the depths of your knowledge of the topic by demonstrating your fluency in accepted understandings and literature as well as your fresh insights and approaches.
4. The background section must be precise and measured.
Too passionate, too political, or too lengthy, a background section may cause some readers to loose focus or question your capacity to be detached and analytical. You must also be careful in choosing yourcitations as proposal readers from your field or region are likely to look carefully at your bibliography.
C.  How to make the background of the  problem with the following step:
      In the early part of the background is a general description of the problem to be in the lift
      At the center of the revealed facts, phenomena, data, expert opinion regarding the importance of the problem and its negative effect if not soon be overcome with the support also the theory and previous research
      The final section filled with altenative solutions that can be offred (theoretical and practical) and finally comes the title

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