Kamis, 19 November 2015

The Nature of Language

The Nature of Language
A.    Definition of Language
Language is the most important aspect in our life .As we know language is a words that we say and use for communication. Every body use language every day such as to make conversation and ask.
We use language to express inner thoughts and emotions, make sense of complex and abstract thought, to learn to communicate with others, to fulfill our wants and need. Language can be defined as verbal, physical, biologically innate, and a basic form of communication.
When we define language we have to be careful not to exclude symbols, gestures,or motions. This is because if we exclude these from our definition, we will be denying the language of the deaf community.
B.     Characteristics of language
There are many some characteristics of language such as :
1.      Language is sign
It’s mean that language can be a sign represent ideas, objects, feeling etc. For example, when we see the broken glass scatter on the road, directly it can be a sign that just an accident.
2.      Language is symbol
It’s mean that language represent something not directly and naturally. For example red color symbolizes courage.
3.      Language is signal
It’s mean that language as signal that make from people to people that will received the signal. For example when run competition, jury blew the whistle then runners will start competition.
4.      Language is gesture
It’s mean that language can be sign with moving our body . For example nod it’s mean yes.
5.      Language is sound
It’s mean that languages sounds over the other representations in writing which are regarded as secondary phenomenon of speech. For instance, all traditional orthographies and letters used in common alphabets, such as the familiar Roman alphabet, represents different sounds in different languages.
6.      Language is linear
It’s mean that we can represent language by using symbols for each sound and arrange them in a linear succession similar to the sounds production order.
7.      Language is systematic
Language systematic, means it is describable in terms of finite number of units that can combine only in a limited number of ways. Due to that, terms such as sound system, grammatical system etc.
8.      Language is meaningful
It is principally through the acquisition of language that the child becomes an effective member of the community, and the leaders in a community preserve and advance their leadership largely through their ability to communicate with people through language.
9.      Language is arbitrary
This refers to the idea that the conditions required for the existence of more than one language: that there be no direct necessary connection between the nature of things or ideas language deals with and the linguistic units and combinations by which these things or ideas are expressed.
10.  Language is conventional
The use and formation of linguistic units is so regular that these units almost seem to be employed according to agreement among the speakers. So language can be said to be conventional as a consequence of this apparent agreement.
11.  Language is creative
Language can be used to create a new world through the imaginative manipulation of the standard interlocking of the phonological, grammatical and lexical systems poets and creative writers or speakers which extend our awareness of possible relations among things.
12.  Language is unique
Since languages are arbitrary, systematic networks of contrasts, each language can be said to be unique.

C.     The Function of Language
1.      Language as Communication Tool
It’s mean that when we talk to someone else , we use language for communicatioan. For example we talk about bussiness, social , and culture.
2.      Language as adaptation
It’s mean that when we can use language , we will easy to adapt in our social environment.
3.      Language as expression
It’s mean that we can express our self .For example when we want to express love to someone.
4.      Language as character build
It’s  mean that with languages we can identify our ability. For example when our body hungry.
5.      Language as tool to unite the nation
It’s mean that language can make people unite although in different ethnic.

D.    Component of Language
1.      Phoneme
Pnoneme is smaller part from language that doesn’t have meaning.
Example: Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Ff,Gg,Hh,Ii,Jj,Kk,Ll,Mm,Nn,Oo,Pp,Qq,Rr,Ss,Tt,Uu,Vv,Ww,Xx,Yy,Zz.
2.      Morpheme
Morpheme is a basic of word. There are two kind og morpheme :
a.       Free morpheme is a free word  can stand by self
Example : asystematic           
b.      Bound morpheme is a word can’t stand by self
Example : sadness
3.      Word
Word is smaller part of language but have meaning.
Example : Book , house
4.      Phrase
Phrase is the phrase have meaning but no figure.
Example : long hair
5.      Clouse
Clouse is phrase have meaning and figure.
Example : when hengkiis taking a shower the earth a wake came
6.      Sentence
Sentence is a group of words that have the fewest subject + verb, and contains a complete understanding.
Example : hengki is playing football.
E.     Approaches to language
 So there are two approaches of classification.
1. Typological approach
This approach groups languages according to their similarities and differences in linguistic structure.
2. Genealogical approach
A genealogical approach of classification tends to show the historical relationships between languages.

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