Kamis, 19 November 2015

The Effect of Rising Fuel In Low Society

·         Thesis Statement
The effect of rising fuel are rise prices of principal need, small bussines bankruply, and the public transportation deserted of passenger.

·         Outline
1.      Introduction About Fuel
a.       Definition of fuel
b.      The Useful of Fuel
2.      The Important of Fuel
3.      The Effect of Rising Fuel
a.       Rises Prices of Principal Needs
b.      Small Bussines Bankruptly
c.       The Public Transportation Desserted of Passengger
4.      Conclusion

The Effect of Rising Fuel In Low Society
Fuel is one of the important thing in our life, Because our activity ussually use a fuel such as motorcyle. We go to market, campus, and many thing that we can do with motorcyle.As we know in this time , our goverment has rise the value of fuel. Many people scruple with the wisdom of our goverment especially in low society. As we know before the value of fuel has rised , the principal needs exspensive . Many effec that will emerge cause of rising fuel. The effect of rising fuel are rise prices of principal need, small bussines bankruply, and the public transportation deserted of passenger. KBRN Jakarta said “ The wisdom of rising subsidy fuel will make various effect for goverment, entrepreuner, and all of indonesian people(Ida Bagus Alit Wiratmaja ,SH).”According to -Hizbut-TahrirIndonesia(HTI) rate, raising the priceof fueloil(BBM) byPresidentJokowi, willafflict85% of the Indonesian people, especiallyamong themiddle and lower economic( Koran Sindo )
Rise prices of principal need it’s mean that allrisingprices of basic necessitiessuch asrice, cooking oil, sugar, eggs, vegetables, meatand others. This is causedbythe government's policyto raisethe price ofsubsidizedfuel. As we all knowthatmostfeel the impactofthe increase infuelisa smallcommunitywithan uncertainincome, duetotheir dailyeat is difficult, the price offuelinRev willmakeit more difficultforpeopleto meet the needs. So that peoplejudgegovernment policyisnot in favorof the little people. According to Jakarta, KOMPAS.com-Results ofa surveyby the Indonesian SurveyCircle(LSI) shows, the increase inthe price offuel(BBM) makeit difficult to meetthe needs ofthe communitydaily. This conditionhas madethe majority ofsurvey respondentsadmitted to notsatisfiedwiththe government of PresidentJokoWidodo.
I thinkpeople do notreally mindif theincrease infuelpricesstableallneeds.
Stablehere means therisingfuelprices butthe price of necessitiesconstanly.
Small bussines bankrupt, many small businesses bankruptcause it can not afford to buy the production of raw materials such as effort made tempeh. We know that raw materials make tempeh is soybeans. The increases of fuel, the price of soybeans soaring. This makes the small and medium entrepreneurs difficulty to produce tempeh as usual for not being able to buy raw materials. Many small businesses complained about the government's policy to raise fuel prices and a lot of small businesses out of business as disclosed. Merdeka.com - Kapanlagi.comsaid “ Approximately 70% of the 250 industries tofu and tempeh in West Semarang bankruptcy, due to higher soybean prices lately this is getting out of control.”The enterpreuners think to resolve the issue with the way,  they reduce the tempeh into smaller portions but the price remains the same, so that they can retain the business.
With rising fuel prices, the impact is also felt by drivers of public transport for passengers lonely. As we know it before the fuel is increased, the public transport drivers had complained to quiet the passengers, with the price of fuel is increased so that they are forced to raise public transport fares. So, with the increase in public transport fares, passengers prefer to use private vehicles such as motorcycles. It is make complaining by public transport drivers because they reduce the revenue a day. The drivers of tranportation public  think the government should provide for exceptions to the public transport to continue to provide fuel subsidies to them, by providing rations only once a day filling fuel and in the limit to avoid such abuse.”With a policy like that, i think help public transport drivers.According to Harris, the driver of the minibus is more difficult to get passengers to the rising fuel price hike was due before they lack passengers. (TEMPO.CO).
The conclusion,the government raisedfuelpolicieshave an impact low economy. Theimpact ofsuchrise prices of principal needbecausethe price offuelrises, allrisingprices of basic necessities. Small bussines bankrutplybecause theproductionof rawmaterial pricessoaring. The public transportation deserted of passengerbecause peopleprefer to useprivate vehicles.



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