Kamis, 19 November 2015

Short story

Bujang Kurap

When some time later, God decided that you should be in Lubuklinggau or Musirawas (either because you are a transit bus, or special requests, or it will settle down), it is necessary to feel knocked down a tree in such a long story that has been nurtured by their own community.

Just in case: just maybe, you will hear a name or nickname or even mockery, which reads "Bujang Ringworm". Of course you would have imagined such a contagious skin disease pathway to a young man, a footman. Perhaps also you will immediately understand how the young man called "Bujang" or not married: who is willing edited lanang ringworm? And it is entirely possible if your mind was describing his face with a very bad and scary-although not necessarily the actual people affected by ringworm it is he that is not beautiful to look upon!

Why is it necessary just in case?

"Bujang Ringworm" nevertheless sometimes used to fool around a fellow friend, or also to others, under various pretexts: one / few people who are ringworm, although there are few spots in certain body parts; or not people liked it far from handsome face, or just make fun of without having to think about whether or not connected to the word they use to jest, or there are also other reasons ....

Actually, no one needs to be clarified so that this story should be written, if "Bujang Ringworm" which meant it was in Indonesian language setakzimnya sense. Case is a mockery, it was taken from a legendary story in Earth Silampari, about a man who was nicknamed "Bujang Ringworm".

This is not the case that our village did not want derajatkan derived with the use of the nickname the young man. That is, if anything Bujang Ringworm-legendakan recounted as a flunky who ringworm only, then it'll be okay. However, we Bujang Ringworm is a young man whose nature and temperament is very contrary to the assessment of people against her face. Ringworm is a young bachelor Our lovely temperament. Whether, if the people of our village who berolok doth it know or no heed to the Bujang Ringworm story, but we would disilakanlah cajoled, invited to participate who might knock down the stem is larger than that roar.

Maybe you will be denounced, "Takkah first, be informed and invited to the wise, the people of this village to knock down that tree?" Alamak jan, this is not the case do not regard the entire village. But our story has callused mouth and cried. Still libertine their ears, their ignorant minds, their hearts kajat .... Most of them no good at treating it with the wisdom of folklore.

So, presumably has enough reason to extend the story of the Bujang Ringworm?

Is Datuk Saribijaya, gallant men nan beautiful: one of two depati who escorted the king's departure, Datuk Ketemenggungan family, from his kingdom, Pagarruyung. 1

After a long odyssey to follow the king, come Datuk Saribijaya in Titiang In, one of the villages in Jambi Sorulangun. 2 There, he was to link the heart of a girl from Bangko Malay royal family. Putri Sari Banilai, such tales to tell his name. Alahai, who does not want to edit the fine gentleman like Datuk Saribijaya. Yes, even though he was not arrogant to the degree that carried during the height of the Minangkabau, but the luster face, demeanor, and his demeanor did not fail to captivate sesiapa, not least for the girls Jambi, not least for a Princess Sari Banilai.

Dikebat long cloth. Great celebration was held. Betangkup two hearts, berjatuhanlah young coconut, sing-magpie magpie Batanghari Nine .... Datuk Sari Banilai Saribijaya and daughter making love in the customs and beliefs. They were bred.

Descendants of Princess Datuk Sari Banilai Saribijaya and even this small knit families, too. Well, one of the descendants of the families of the lineage was apparently deposited the Lord a baby boy who later his name famous throughout Musirawas and surrounding areas.

Somehow, her parents three convinced me that someday his son would be a noble-hearted young man. The conviction was nevertheless not waver even several years after, the birth of a baby girl in their family 4. Yes, although the growth of developing, the oldest often suffer from itch all over his body, but they never berpilih pour love in love in both of their children. The son was still administered as a sick child must be considered. Even many doctors and intelligent people who asked for help to cure it, but still, never healed their bachelor childhood diseases.

Long story short, they grow as a young sons ringworm, until the people called him "Bujang Ringworm". And ... it's evident the old proverb: Nor God created human beings as creatures in need only. Yes, as first her parents believed, Bujang Ringworm is also growing as a virtuous young man.

Although people know that Bujang Ringworm is a humble young man, respect for elders, and even more unnoticed-is-not infrequently at the time grabbed the robber who entered the village, but they still call him like that. Well this is a necessary seated: the nickname pinned on the young man, none other than, for the sake of easier explanation of who the good in question. Yes, there is no intention to fool around with that nickname.

And ... that's his noble parents. Nor can they feel ashamed of what his servant's whipping boy. So, Bujang Ringworm feel sad that no grass abysmal when his mother died. Shortly berkelang, Ringworm Bujang said goodbye to his father to wander, wander looking for magic-as the way people dahululah.

In a story that has been shortened, after obtaining his supernatural powers of a hermitage, Bujang Ringworm continue the journey to arrive at a stream called the River Rawas. The upstream flow originated from a crack group of hills to the east of the Bukit Barisan. From here, flowing eastwards: the long and tortuous. Finally bermuaralah in an area that is now named Musi Banyuasin, but still close to the border Musirawas. Thus, Ringworm Bujang was through the hamlets along the river: Cape Town, marl, Glossy, Muara Kulam, Muara Quiz, Kidak Island, and many more, the end of the Hamlet Pauh, and empties into the area near the River Musi Rawas called Estuary.

Bujang Ringworm help residents of the hamlets in its path. Help raise the ridge of the house, carrying stones for memirik jelapang spices, open fields, rubber tapping, coffee harvesting, and of course with all the supernatural powers possessed, he secured the home of a herd of thieves, robbers, and the other troublemakers.

Ringworm Bujang name was famous on the banks of river Rawas. People respect him."Bujang Ringworm" is no longer the evil person memerudukkan epithets. "Bujang Ringworm" is used to describe how well the heart of a young man; how the pole is not a way to measure character.

Bujang Ringworm spend life in a village in Lubuklinggau, Ulak Width. 5 There, he teaches martial arts and martial kuntau-Sumatra, and the knowledge they have supernatural powers to the local inhabitants and the arrival.

Ringworm Bujang interred at the foot of the Mount of Magic, the area formed by three rivers: River Kasie, Ketue River, and River Kelingi.

Actually what you just told to say it was an imperfect summary of a story is intact. 6

Bujang Ringworm is also human. Surely there is a shortage, an oversight, and the ugliness of the nature and temperament. However, with no intention of looking for an alibi, nothing is black in the course of his life was suddenly just evaporate, when juxtaposed with keelokkan mind and character.

Until now, on the banks of the River Kelingi, south of Fort Kuto Ulak width, where Bujang Ringworm cheap bed wrapped in white cloth, there are still people who hold reritual for something that is actually not entirely convinced of their own can be achieved.

That is, if you do not believe in the story hakkul summarized, at least look at the people who have faith it upright. They may not understand religion, but they understand so that Nor would a "blessing"-according to their dijaban-god who, when spirits are expected to soar it is not good people during his lifetime.

Oh, actually embarrassed to say this:

If you can not fellowship invited villagers to tear down the huge trunk, then there is no harm in not, we hook your hands to preach the good that was raised?

Yes, we are not the same Ringworm Bujang Malin Kundang in Minangkabau. However, uda-uni in west Sumatra can be worth putting the prodigal son's story as a teaching morals and character. This case one pack! We also occasionally blew question: Why cover this story should be inscribed "Bujang Ringworm". Why not take another title?

O not only that, my friend! This story was never recorded as appropriate reading books (so, do not expect you'll find the kind of book-Lubuklinggau Musirawas folklore in the book stores in our village). Even a mild story printed as a book-that is spread to libraries in our area schools, also do not!

Fruit rubber bag had burst. The seeds scattered on the soil-covered leaves are colored gray. Just count the days, all have grown. And now, the story would have many watered, fertilized, and maintained. Into rods. The greater. Difficult once torn down, mate!

So, when some time later, God decided that you should be in Lubuklinggau or Musirawas (either because you are a transit bus, or special requests, or it will settle down), we hope: even if you were not able to knock down the tree, at least, Do not you heed mockery of our village people who make a young man as a weapon olokannya ringworm.

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