Minggu, 22 November 2015

FRIED BANANA (Pisang Goreng)

Banana is one of the fruits that exist in Indonesia. banana has a soft stem, broad-leaved and yellow fruit.
substances contained in bananas is water, sugar, protein, vitamins B1, B2, B6, and vitamin D.
bananas have several benefits:
Bananas are also useful in the protection and prevention of tooth decay.
Banana benefits may increase the concentration of children.
Helpful Bananas Treat Ulcer pain.
Bananas can be used as a mask for Treating Acne.
As a Source of Energy.
banana fruit can be processed into one food fried bananas.
I will tell you how to make fried banana.
before making fried bananas, you have to prepare the ingredients, such as eggs, oil, a teaspoon of sugar, a little salt, six tablespoons of flour, vegetable oil.
the  steps are:
·     Place flour in a deep mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle of the flour, and add egg, sugar and salt. Add water little by little. Whisk vigorously until batter is evenly smooth for coating and not too thin. If it is too thin, add more flour.
·     Peel plantain or banana and cut in half lengthwise and then cut again with 4-inch width. Dip into batter to coat generously.
·     Heat oil in a wok or deep fryer until moderately hot. Place coated plantain or banana in the wok or deep fryer and fry slowly until golden brown and crispy. This usually take approximately 10-15 minutes. Remove bananas from oil, drain on paper napkins and dry well.

Serve while still warm


·     1 ripe black-skinned plantain or 4 small finger banana (make sure that the banana is sweet)
·     1 egg
·     1 tsp. sugar
·     6 Tbs. flour
·     water
·     a pinch of salt
·     vegetable oil for deep frying


·     Place flour in a deep mixing bowl. Make a well in the middle of the flour, and add egg, sugar and salt. Add water little by little. Whisk vigorously until batter is evenly smooth for coating and not too thin. If it is too thin, add more flour.
·     Peel plantain or banana and cut in half lengthwise and then cut again with 4-inch width. Dip into batter to coat generously.
·     Heat oil in a wok or deep fryer until moderately hot. Place coated plantain or banana in the wok or deep fryer and fry slowly until golden brown and crispy. This usually take approximately 10-15 minutes. Remove bananas from oil, drain on paper napkins and dry well.
·     Serve while still warm

Jumat, 20 November 2015


A.    The Background

Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that the word is etymologically derived from English, which consists of the word "socio" and "linguistics". Linguistics is the study or talk about language,  while socio that is associated with the public.
One of branch sociolinguistics is “code mixing and code switching” but in our mini research  we just analysis about code mixing
In my opinion code mixing is the use of elements of language, from one language through a special speech into another language. So you could also mixing more than one language in the communication process.
  Contoh : You say aku seperti Barbie
You look so pretty menarik hati
You say aku layaknya peri
Tebarkan cinta di atas bumi

The fact happens at Cinta Laura’s lyric Song. This triggers the writer to conduct a research toward this phenomenon through one aspect – intra-sentential research. Here are several symptoms dealing with this research, as follows:
1.      Some of the Cinta Laura’s lyrics song mix English language in her song
2.      Some of the Cinta laura’s lyrics songnot use English fully in her song.
3.      Some of the Cinta laura’s lyrics song use code mixing in her song.
Based on these symptoms, the writer is interested in carrying out a research entitled “An Analysis of Code Mixing in Cinta Laura’s lyric song with title “You Say Aku”

B.    Limitation of the Problems
1.    The Types of Code Mixing found in the Cinta Laura’s lyric song with title “You Say Aku”

C. Research questions
From the described phenomenon above, there are three main variants of code mixing related to the parts of language coming into one language then the writer identifies the problem. They are follows:
1.                Why Cinta laura use code mixing in her song?
2.                What the meaning of her song?

D.Research purpose

This study has general objectives, they are as follows:
1.       To find out the analysis of code mixing in Cinta Laura’s lyric song

2.       To find out the types of code mixing which found in in Cinta Laura’s lyric song

Code mixing is expressively purposing languages that are combined to increase social statue or to keep the speaker’s prestige in the society


If one asks when the language exists in the world, of course, the possible answer is the language has existed in the world since the human beings born in the world, particularly from Adam prophet until present humans. It means that language is important for human beings. There is human, there is language. That is actually the fact. Therefore, between human and language are tightly united.
Wikipedia (2002) noted the description of sociolinguistic as the study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context; on the way language is used. Hence, Suwito in Ratna (2007:56) stated that the language variation consists of idiolect, dialectal, language manner, and level. The language variation is possible thing in social domain of small
society, even in individual language usage. The factors influencing the language variation are the arranging of local society formation, and language used as normal activity between society members. The external factors influencing are speaker’s factor, social, and situational.
Here is the example, a sociolinguist might determine through in Cinta Laura’s song. she might also study grammar, phonetics, vocabulary, and other aspects and it is much as a dialectologist would study the same or regional dialect. It means that the study of language variation is concerned with social constraints determining language in its contextual environment. Code switching and code mixing are the terms given to the use of different varieties of language in different social situation.
Finally, while the study of sociolinguistic is very broad, there are a few fundamental concepts on which most sociolinguistic inquiries. It attempts to explain why the fact is not how the case is. These two approaches, although it is different, but it completes each other in practice.
1.      Code Mixing
The ways of communicating among the people are various due to the supporting situations.
Moreover, it is also possible for the bilingual or multilingual people to use more than one code or language in a communication. One of the language phenomena especially in the study of bilingualism problem is called code mixing. Wardhaugh in Henie (2008: 2) stated that code mixing occurs when speakers use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance. Deuchar (2005: 2) differed the terms that code switching is changing languages between sentences and code mixing is changing languages within a sentence.

2.      Kinds of Code Mixing
According to Sujana and Sri Hartati (2009:11) Code Mixing divided in two kinds;
a.       Inner Code Mixing is that stemming from original language with all variation.
b.      Outer Code Mixing is that stemming from foreign language.

3.      Types of Code Mixing
Code mixing has some form; 1) word insertion (in fixation), 2) phrase insertion, 3) clause insertion, 4) expression/ idiom insertion, and 5) baster insertion (combining of original and foreign language).

The explanations are:
a)        Insertion of material (lexical items or entire constituents) from one language into a structure of the other language. Here is the ` examples:
You say aku seperti Barbie
You look so pretty menarik hati
You say aku layaknya peri
Tebarkan cinta di atas bumi
" (note that "you say aku seperti barbie,you look so pretty menarik hati,you say aku layaknya peri" is the English word inserted in the Indonesian utterance).
b)        Alternation between structures from languages.

c) Congruent lexicalization of material from different lexical inventories into a shared grammatical structure.

4.      Analysis of Type Code Mixing
From the processes presented above, it can be analyzed that:
a)         Insertion is the constraint in the terms of structural properties of some base or matrix structure. The process of code mixing is conceived as something skin to borrowing ant the insertion of an alien lexical or phrasal category into a given structure. The difference is simply the size and type of element inserted – noun, adjective, verb, and the like.
b)        Alternation is the constraint of mixing in terms of compatibility or equivalence of the languages involved at the mix point, and clause.
c)         Congruent lexicalization is the influence of dialect within language use.
The processes above happen inside a sentence. So, there is a changing in one sentence performed by speaker. Deuchar (2005:609-611) added that the patterns of code mixing types can be figured as the following Matrix Language Frame (MLF)

This study used qualitative methods.
data sources Data obtained Cinta laura’s Lyric song with title “you Say Aku”
 How to capture data by listening to Cinta laura’s Lyric song.
Data Collection Techniques
1. Listening to Cinta Laura’s Song


In principle, mixed code is a second language mixing into the structure of the first language
By listening to Cinta laura’s Song,and then the authors categorize whether these students are using code mixing

Table 1
You Say Aku Seperti Barbie
Code mixing
Because she is like Barbie

In Cinta Laura’s Song  above authors found that they use code words mixing .homework serves as the object .
The singer  uses the word You Say Aku Seperti Barbie to tell that she is like barbie. Singer who make this sentence bilingual. Singer deliberately mix the code with the goal of to show that she is like barbie
Table 2
You look so pretty menarik hati
Code mixing
Because she is Pretty

        In Cinta Laura’s Lyric Song with title “you Say Aku” above authors found that they use code words mixing “pretty” serves as an object.
The Singer uses the word You Say Aku to make this song Easy to Remember.

Table 3
You Say Aku Seperti putri
Code mixing
Because she is like Putri

In Cinta laura’s Song  above authors found that She use code words mixingYou Say Aku Seperti putri.
The reason why she do code mixing.
Some factors contributing to the control of mixed code or code is affected by the context and the language situation can be described as follows:
a. Personal
Singer sometimes mix words from English and Indonesia.
B. Function and Purpose
the function and purpose that Cinta Laura combine English and Indonesia is to make her song easy listening and easy to remember.


Mix the code is two or more codes are used with no reason, and usually occurs in a relaxed situation. Mix the code isoften used in a song. Either  two or more regional languages ​​such as mixing or foreign language. Writer just findany mixing of the two languages ​​among English Indonesian fund that is only for a brief statement in the conversation. The reason they do code mixing Viewed from private singers, there are a variety of purposes and objectives such assinger switching code to change the lyric, from english  to indonesian . Singer sometimes do mix code in one language to another language by habit.

Suggestion for Cinta Laura  in her song should also use full english with mixing code, it also can help students better to understand her song. For student, may use the code in the mixing stage of the process of mastering the English language but it would be betterin an even more full English  majors.


[1] Ronald Wardhaugh.  1986 &1992. “An Introduction to Sociolinguistic”. Blackwell, USA.

“An Analysis of Code Mixing
in Cinta Laura’s lyric song with title
“You Say Aku”

Hengky Ternando
Piter Julius Vero
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu

Artist   : Cinta Laura
Title     : You Say Aku


You say aku seperti Barbie
You look so pretty menarik hati
You say aku layaknya peri
Tebarkan cinta di atas bumi
Baby please.. please..
Don’t play on me
Baby please.. please..
Love me, love me
Beibeh beibeh my beibeh
You drive me crazy
Beibeh beibeh my beibeh
My heart is beating honey
Beibeh beibeh my beibeh
Oh please say love me
Beibeh beibeh my beibeh
You say aku seperti puteri
Yang kau cari selama ini
Beibeh beibeh my beibeh
You drive me crazy
Beibeh beibeh my beibeh